You don't have to avoid your favorite foods in order to avoid that burning regret later. If you're one of those people for whom the aftermath of a fabulously spicy meal is a burning sensation when you poop, there's hope. So you're caught up in whether to go for the indulge now/pay for it later scenario or just stay away.

But a little later on, and maybe even tomorrow, the feeling on the other end might not be so amazing. To make an appointment, call 1-86 or fill out our appointment request form.So you're wavering about the spicy wings or the extra hot sauce on your scrambled eggs. If you are experiencing diarrhea and other digestive symptoms, the experts the UPMC Digestive Disorders Center can help.

Many things can cause diarrhea, from environmental factors to chronic conditions. When should you call a doctor about diarrhea? Avoid trigger foods: Steer clear of foods and drinks containing caffeine, lots of sugar, fried and spicy foods, dairy products, and artificial sweetners.Slowly add in yogurt and complex carbohydrates like rice and bread. Eat bland, safe foods: Stick with soup, broth, and salty crackers.Probiotics are naturally present in some fermented foods, like yogurt or certain cheeses. Take probiotics: These are living microorganisms that can help to promote good gut health.Do not use loperamide if you have a fever or your stools are bloody. These include bismuth subsalicylate (Pepto Bismol, Kaopectate) or loperamide (Immodium). Use medications: Some over-the-counter medicines treat diarrhea.Rehydrate: Drink water and electrolytes to replenish fluids lost through diarrhea.When experiencing diarrhea, try these coping strategies to manage your symptoms: Chronic diarrhea can last four weeks or longer and may be a sign of another health condition. Some prescription and over-the-counter medications and antibioticsĭiarrhea should resolve itself within a few days, although in some cases it can last longer.Some forms of inflammatory bowel disease.Viral or bacterial infections, including food poisoning and the stomach flu.The most common symptom of diarrhea is an increase in bowel movements, but you also may experience several other symptoms:ĭiarrhea has many potential causes, ranging from infections to reactions to medications to stress. However, diarrhea that lasts longer than a few days may be a sign of a more serious health condition. Since most cases of acute diarrhea are viral, the symptoms will clear up in a few days with good home treatment. It is your body’s way of quickly clearing viruses, bacteria, or toxins from the digestive tract. It’s caused by attenuated water absorption or inappropriate water secretion by the intestines.

These episodes can occur suddenly and may last up to 14 days.ĭiarrhea is when you have an increased number of bowel movements or you have bowel movements that are watery or loose. Most adults will have at least four episodes of diarrhea each year. Diarrhea can often come out of nowhere and is frequently a symptom of food poisoning, a virus, or even stress.ĭiarrhea is one of the most commonly occurring health problems affecting all ages. It is inconvenient, and many times, the exact cause is difficult to determine. Almost everyone has an occasional bout of diarrhea.